Related article: mann, 1 84 1, contains two col-
oured plates by J. Ferneley, en-
graved by E. Duncan, 24 mches
by i8| inches.
Little is known concerning John
Femeley's career beyond the fact
that he resided chiefly in York-
shire, and as an artist we know him
chiefly from the engravings of his
paintings, which may be found in
the sporting publications of his
My Grandfathers Journals.*
I 795- 1820.
[Being episodes in the mihtary career of Colonel Theophilus St. Clair,
K.H., formerly of the 145th Foot, and some time Assistant in
the department of the Quarter-Master-General.]
Extracted by Majoi( Arthur Griffiths.
hope that I might find better
fortune in it than had fallen to
his share. I have much to be
thankful for, God knows, but my
chiefest joy is that the dear old
dad was spared to see me rise,
beyond my deserts perhaps, to
higher rank and honours than he
had ever gained, and to know that
he approved of my conduct as a
" Alfy " — these were his last
words— "be true to your God,
your king, your name and your
cloth ; tell the truth, and act like a
gentleman. Avoid drink, duelling
and cards. Do not fight in any
private quarrel unless it is forced
upon you ; never turn your back
on the enemy, and stick always
to your colours. You know more
Gibraltar, Nov., 1795.
When the time came to part with
my father and embark for England
I was very sore at heart. He too
was greatly cast down. We had
been almost inseparable com-
panions Buy Panadol ever since I could re-
member, and were all in all to
each other. But he was too
sensible to think that he could
always keep me at his side, and I
knew that unless I were to forego
my dearest wish, which was to
enter the army, I must leave him.
He would not have baulked me
for worlds, now that I was fairly
starting in the profession that was
his own, and when he bade me
Godspeed it was with the frank
* Copvri^bt. All rights reserved in Great Britain
and the United States.
of soldiering than most youngsters,
but go on improving yourself, and
do not be laughed out of it. Let
your comrades see that you can
hold your own in all field sports
and manly exercises, and they will
hardly count you a mere book-
worm. Good bye, and God bless
There were others there to see
me on board the gun brig Thetis;
half the garrison, with General
0*Hara at their head, and they
gave me three hearty cheers —
very intoxicating to such a child
— but my services with regard to
the mutiny had been generally ap-
preciated. The Governor went
further, and insisted on furnishing
my regimental outfit, and some of
the officers presented me with a
sword — my first regulation sword.
I wear it still.
I reached my regiment just
eleven days later, and found it in
the Ship Street barracks, Dublin.
It was numbered the 145th, and
was better known as '* Cole-
pepper's," Cheap Panadol from the name of the
officer who had lately raised it,
a country gentleman of consider-
able estate, but quite new to the
military profession. In later
years the 145th gained another
title, Order Panadol Online less creditable perhaps, yet
in its way complimentary. We
formed part of Picton's division
in the Peninsula, the ** fighting
third " as it was called, and once
our General gave the regiment
some very hard words about
marauding. The very same day
we were sent against the enemy's
position, and Picton, shouting,
" Come on, ye fighting rascals,"
led us on to the attack. The
sobriquet stuck ; Buy Panadol Online even after in
Spain, and in much later times
we were known as the ** Royal
Rascals," a title of honour no
doubt in its best sense, and so
accepted when the men were in a
good humour. But if any used it
with a whit of disrespect or con-
tempt, wild fighting with the belts
off was pretty sure to follow.
It was not in very first-rate order
when I joined. The men had
been recruited largely in Ireland,
although the regiment hailed from
an English county, and were often
wild and unmanageable, given
greatly to drink, following the bad
example of their officers, who were
a dissipated lot. Colepepper was
rather a fine gentleman, but no
soldier, quite young, and with
little or no experience. He was
quite in the hands of his senior
major, Lannigan, a veteran of
many years standing, imbued with
the old ideas, a six bottle man,
much given to strange deep oaths,
who believed that the sum total of
military efficiency was made up of
pipe-clay, hair powder, and the
pace stick. He had his own
recipe for pipe-clay, and kept it a
profound secret ; he often super-
vised the regimental hair-dresser
at his work, measured the length
of the queues with an inch tape,
and was very particular about the
amount of candle-grease used ; in
drill he loved only the stiff evolu-
tions of Freiderich's Grenadiers,
as adopted in Dundas* " Twelve
Manoeuvres." I can see him as he
stood '* inspecting my kit " most
fastidiously, bent only upon seeing
that every article of my regi-
mentals was strictly according Panadol Online to
regulation ; a portly and very
pompous little man, with many
grog blossoms on his nose, and
the puffy shortness of breath that
comes of tight lacing : a plethoric
person, with an irascible temper,
especially when imprisoned in a
high stock like an iron collar.
"You'll do fairly well, young
man," he was pleased to say, •* but Generic Panadol
we will have these buttons moved
the eighth of an inch outwards,
and I don't quite like the cut of
those lappels. Your gaiters draw
too closely over the boots, and the
cockade sets too high on your hat-
cap. But the master tailor will
see to these minutiae. You will
commence drill to-morrow under